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How to Prevent Injuries While Cycling
Cycling is one of the physical activities that are beneficial to the body. Cycling keeps you fit and healthy and it is an excellent way to be active. However, it also exposes the bike cycler to various injuries that might not be their fault. Some of these injuries include pain in the lower back, numb toes, hand injuries, knee injuries, and sometimes even shoulder pain. While you think that you might be doing everything as you are supposed to do, the pain and the injuries still occur. Well, whether you have one or more such injuries, the good thing is that you can easily prevent them all with the right approach. It all starts with a good body posture, wearing the right type and size of cycling shoes, having padded gloves, the right protective equipment, and many other things.
Cycling today is more than just a physical activity. It is the first and the only way of transportation for many people. It is a healthier and more affordable option than driving a car. In terms of health and the lasting pandemic, it is a great way to keep social distance and still get to the place you need to. It is a highly suggested alternative to all other types of transport for daily commute. And not only that, but it also improves the overall health, and greatly benefits the mind and well-being.
With all of the above mentioned, it is important to take care of the body of any physical injuries that might occur and that might prevent safe and healthy cycling.

What types of injuries can occur while cycling and how to prevent them?
As mentioned above, the injuries while cycling with an electric bike can appear even without them being your fault. So, to start, the experts suggest that the right body posture is the basis and the most essential thing when cycling. Cycling on an e-bike with bad body posture is the number one cause of cycling-related injuries.
That is why it is essential to learn more about the injuries when cycling and how to prevent them.
Lower back pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common cycling injuries. It has most definitely appeared to any cyclist, at least once in their cycling lifetime. This type of injury can appear to those who have a weak upper torso. That is because it fails to resist the force that is generated from the legs when cycling. That applies additional pressure on the lower back to work harder than it should. The first signs of such injury can present through fatigue in that particular body area.
To prevent this type of injury can easily be prevented by exercises that will strengthen the upper torso. Such exercises include cat stretches, pelvic tilts, bridges, etc. Also, it is important to mention that you should always keep your back straight when cycling on your folding E-bike. It will reduce the chances of lower back pain appearing.
Shoulder pain
Long-distance cycling and time spend on your E-bike in a certain position can result in pain in the shoulders. This type of pain occurs because of the stress that the shoulders experience, which is normal for such activity. The shoulder pain can be prevented by having a right body posture and flexing the elbows when cycling.
Numb toes
The proper and suitable gear goes a long way into having successful physical activity and enjoying it the most, without any pain. This refers to cycling too. Having comfortable shoes is essential to having an enjoyable ride, especially if you are doing long distances. Numb toes are a common physical injury that happens from long cycling and wearing inadequate cycling shoes. Most commonly, the numb toes come from tight cycling shoes. To prevent that from happening, the straps and the cleats on the cycling shoes need to be properly adjusted, and not too tight. Also, keeping the feet straight when on the pedal is a way to prevent numb toes injury.
Hand injuries
Like the lower back pain and the numb toes, hand injuries are also very common and frequent occurrences among cyclists. This type of injury can occur as numb fingers and palms. It might not be a severe injury, which makes its prevention pretty easy. To prevent such injuries, it is essential to ensure that holding the handlebars is proper. It should be done in a firm but relaxed way so that the palms do not carry and feel a lot of pressure. Another suggestion to prevent such injuries is to frequently change the position of the hands and make sure that the wrist is in a straight position.
Knee injuries
Another common injury that appears from cycling is the one that affects the knees. Some more serious knee injuries can include knee fractures that come as a result of stress on the knees. This is a situation for cyclists that ride fast and regularly. To prevent such injuries from happening, it is best to cycle on lower gears. That will reduce the stress put on the knees. Exercising the knees regularly will build some additional strength in that area and will allow the knee joints to become stronger.
Head injuries
Head injuries are the most dangerous type of injuries that a cyclist can experience while riding their E-bike. This can happen with a fall from a bike, or being hit by a moving vehicle. The best way to avoid such injuries is to cycle your folding E-bike away from the public roads, or at the lanes that are designated for cyclists. Additionally, wearing a protective helmet is a must that will prevent head injuries.
Take extra injury precautions
So now that you've seen some of the most common injuries and prevention steps, you've probably noticed a theme. Proper bike fit, stretching and training can help you prevent most of these injuries! We will explain each one in detail.
Bicycle Accessories
Buying an electric bike that fits your body can help reduce injuries. Once you've purchased the right size bike, you'll want to check components like handlebar height, seat height, and cleat positioning. This is something you can research and do yourself, but talking to an expert at your local bike shop who is already familiar with your bike's specs may be better for you than doing it yourself.
Suitable Train
Cycling requires repetitive, powerful movements. Each leg pushes independently of the other, putting a lot of pressure and pressure on each leg by picking them out individually! You must also have the proper balance and stability to support yourself on the bike. Your training routine should focus on the full range of motion of your hips, knees, and ankles. You should also focus on your core and shoulders, as they help support you and stabilize your body. Research different training programs! Many are cyclists and will accentuate these parts of your body.
Many joints reach their extreme ranges while cycling, and getting some range of motion in these areas can help you maintain proper tracking and form. Yoga, BJJ flexibility programs, and other flexibility exercises can help keep your range of motion open. CyclingTips has an article on mobility exercises to improve cycling performance that walks you through knee extension, knee flexion, hip extension, hip flexion, hip abduction, hip adduction, and side bend exercises .
Last Thought
Overall, any physical activity can be a reason for an injury. The same goes for cycling on an electric bicycle. Especially when you are in the pedal-assisted mode. But, with the proper knowledge as well as body posture, you will be able to easily prevent them. Careful cycling plays a big part in preventing injuries from happening too.
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